Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Baby Girl arrives on Girls Day 2009

Cousin Jue and her husband Satoshi had a new baby girl called Yuna on March 3. As you know March 3 is the Girls Day in Japan. We had a little family celebration at Hilton House for Yuna. It was a wonderful family evening.

Kona, Hawaii Feb. 2009

Sister, Kazuko, her boyfriend, Richard, and I had a quick 5-day visit in Kona. My dear friends, Vicki and Koichi, were our hosts. We got to stay in their vacation house in Waikoloa Village, right on a golf course. We attended salsa dancing party, played couple rounds of golf, visited local farmers market, bought a lot of designer clothes in Honoka'a boutique, and went to famous Tex's diner. Kona, Hawaii is my most favorite Hawaiian location.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Morris coexists peacefully with George nowadays.

Morris seems to be happy and doing well in spite of his diabetes. He gets vetsulin shots twice a day. He also takes vitamin supplements. He is very loud when he wants food (he demands food whenever he sees me.) He is supposed to be almost 100 years old in human age. He is still alert and he can still jump up to my lap. He watches all reality shows. However, he does not catch birds anymore.