Friday, March 25, 2011

May was a Party Animal

I am slowly getting ready for my mother's memorial service. Dear friend, Reiko, has been helping with the photo presentation. I found these pictures. The top was taken in 1964, the year of Tokyo Olympics. The next was taken on our 25th anniversary around 1985. The bottom was taken in Ixtapa, Mexico around 1988? We were all so young!!! It looks like my mother May was a party animal. Time goes by quickly when you are having fun.

Friday, March 18, 2011

May H. Kikuchi Celebration of Life

May Haru Kikuchi
April 16, 1915-February 1, 2011

Celebration of Life Service and Party

Date & Time: Friday April 22, 2011 2:30 PM
Place of Service: Small Chapel(top of the hill) at Oakmont Memorial Park
2099 Reliez Valley Road, Lafayette, CA 94549
Party to Follow: 772 Hilton Road, Walnut Creek, CA 94595